About Me
My name is Yixiao Sun, and you can call me Alvin. My interests generally lie in the intersection between robotics control and perception. My previous experiences span a broad range of areas including computer vision, 3D geometry, optimization, applied deep learning, and embedded systems.
Currently, I am a graduate student in the MechE department at Stanford, and I am also a member of Autonomous System Lab advised by Professor Marco Pavone. My focus now is on uncertainty calibration for deep ML models and exploring how a robot autonomy stack can reliably fuse in information from deep models.
Prior to joining Stanford, I graduated with highest honors from UIUC with a B.S. in Computer Engineering. At UIUC, I was deeply involved in Illini RoboMaster, a robotics club created by myself and a few friends. From where I gained a lot of experience in real-time embedded systems and visuomotor control algorithms. I have also held internships with Megvii and Skydio where I developed skills in deep visual tracking and real-time deep model deployment.
I spend most of my free time on music and sports.
Piano has been with me since I was 5 and it has never left. I love classical and modern pieces and anything in between. My favorite pianists are Jarrod Radnich, Peter Bence, and David Hicken.
Volleyball has become a big part of my life since I joined Stanford. Now I play both indoor and beach volleyball in the intramural leagues as Outside Hitter or Middle Blocker.
Skiing (and snowboarding) has always been one my favorite sports. I am aiming to learn more spins and grabs in the coming years. During off season time, rollerblade serves as my dry-land practice.